is a gallery in Alpena, Michigan. I just got an application in themail to apply to be juried for exhibition. It's like $80 bucks perexhibit, man, do all galleries charge like that? Well, I suppose if your super famous they pay the artist hey? Anyway, I see that JonathonTalbot is going to be up there . . . Sure, on April 24th and 25th, which now I have used my vacation time and don't dare ask for more offthis month at least . . . oh well . . . It's about time that the artsy mailings came our way instead of coupons for water heaters and other flyers .
. . .It has been an excessively lazy day for me. I've even had a nap, or actually I tried to nap, got interupted a lot during it. Hazel decided she wanted to try making cornbread again. She is turning into quite the baker! You should see her . . . . scoops the flour into the measuring cup and then levels it off with a knife . . . all that fussy measuring stuff your suppose to do . . . bleck . . . That would be why I amnot overly fond of baking, you have to be more exacting with your measuring. But now I have trained my very own little baker . . . see, I've told many of you I was Tom Sawyer in my past life! . . . so I will let you all know how the lemon poke cake turns out for Easter Dinner!
I watched this really odd scary movie . . . The Devil's Rejects . . .the unrated version . . . don't know . . . kind of chain saw masacreish . . . had the family that has the motto . . . the family that slays together stays together . . . no chainsaws though, and you enter the movie with the police raiding the rambled down farm home and then the man hunt for the escapees. Wasn't overly hard to figure out the ending . . . but then aren't all horror movies like that? Can youtell I like my slasher movies? I won't watch movies about demons possesing people, but I will watch a wacko slice off someone'shead . . . man, I wonder what a shrink would think about that one! HA!Then I like to watch these on DVD the best because then you can watch the special features to see how they did all the special effects for all that blood and gore
. . .I started to art today and then kept getting distracted. I think you all may have figured out it really doesn't take much to distract me these days! Now I just keep thinking . . . It's Thursday, almost Thursday night, my vacation is almost over . . . .wwwwaaahhhhhh . . . .so there we have it, I see the glass as half empty, not half full.
Now I need to go watch "Happy Feet" with Hazel, 'cause then that evens out all the blood and gore and evil I saw in my other movie . . . see, all it takes is a little balance in your life . . .
yak-a-dee-yak . . .