yes it did. The poor thing. I've had that baby for 9 years. Sigh. I haven't had a car payment in like . . . 5 years I believe. Bought the SUV when Hazel was 3 months old. It's a 1993. Now also, it pukes and of course Dale is out of town for the week!
Hazel and I got home Monday night, pulled into the garage, turned off the vehicle, got out, was going to go in the house and thought, man, what stinks . . . turned around looked . . . heart leapt into my throat, adrenaline starts pumping through my veins . . . thought my engine was on fire!!!! Oh my gosh! Hesitantly opened the hood, no flames, thank God, but man . . .. wwwaaahhhhh. Now I have very limited knowledge of vehicles . . . and I mean limited. I know how to put gas in one, and that I do. In a pinch I will put air in the tires. I do know where the oil goes, the radiator fluid goes, and the wiper fluid goes. But I leave the filling of those to the paid professionals, or whatever person may want to do that for me. So really, other than to make sure the engine isn’t truly on fire, to open the hood is just wasted movement for me.
Called BIL one, had to leave message, called BIL two . . . he came over. I think if you asked both of them I sounded rather panicky. Well hell boys, I thought my car was on fire . . . Helllllooooo!!! But they can tease me all they want about that . . . . They’re sweethearts to help a damsel in distress.
BIL two, takes a look around in the engine. Radiator fluid looks dry (well yeah, I’d seen that too, first thought I had was why to engine heating light coming on) and he looks in the actual radiator . . . I know where that is too, but no way in hell I was opening that little pressure cooker cap, I’ve seen the damage a pressure cooker can do!! He looks some more, and there it is. A hose blown right off. On a coupling? Something like that, remember I just put gas in. He is pretty grim about the prognosis of the Explorer. The poor thing.
So, he is willing to give me a ride into borrow my mom’s van. Okay, mom isn’t home, but I will just leave a note. Wouldn’t matter if I called and talked to her first anyway, she probably wouldn’t remember the conversation when I get there. But her van makes sense, because she can’t drive it! So off we go into town, which is about 15 miles away. Halfway there I note I don’t have my keys. I said well, there is a possible place that I could find a key. We took a gamble didn’t turn around. Get to mom’s, she isn’t home. Okay, my hand at breaking in . . . nope, no key, nope no unlocked door. Back into the car and back we go to my house.
Now were back to mom’s. house key in hand. Get up to her door and there she is to meet us. EEEyyyyyyiiii. Okay, by BIL, thank you so much, what a sweetie to put up with me!
I get mom’s vehicle, write several notes around her house that I have the van. I write notes on her blackboard, put one on her kitchen table, one in her calendar that is looked at daily, put one in Jane’s note book . . . all over . . . Judy has van . . . and off we go back to my house.
I get there, and there is BIL one. Oh man, I forgot to call him back and let him know the Calvary had arrived! Yikes! But BIL doesn’t mind, he looks things over a little more. Nope, the radiator was not completely dry, fluid steamed out when the hose broke. Probably a pressure had built up that blew the hose when I turned off the car. . . he checked the radiator fluid for oil or the oil for radiator fluid, however that may go . . . he’s prognosis for the Explorer is better.
Whelp, I have been putting it off for over a year. I’ve known I would need to buy a vehicle. I just don’t want the car payment. . .sazlefrazzz . . . so off car shopping this weekend we go . ..
Now, here are the good things about it all . . . it puked in my garage, not on the side of the road . . . it was only steaming, not flaming, in which case my house would have burnt down also . . . which reminds me . . . fire extinguisher needs to be put on my shopping list too. I don’t believe we don’t have one!
So, hopefully soon I will be telling you about my new-to-me-vehicle, because I doubt if it will be a NEW vehicle!
Oh yeah, and by the way, I did call City Hall and tell my friend Cindy that if my mom called because her van was missing . . . I had it! She understood completely . . . I could just invision that phone call happening, even though there is a note every two feet in the house. . .. smiles . . .
Type at ya later . . .