Tuesday, June 14, 2011

BoHo Bliss Workshop

Deryn Mentock is a fabulous jewelry and mixed-media artist.  I would have to say she is my idol :D  I adore every piece of Deryn's that I have ever seen.  

If you've ever taken a  class from Deryn Mentock, then you know what a wealth of information she shares with you.  She will teach you everything she knows in a way that will have you twisting and torching comfortably in no time!  

And here is a chance to go visit her blog and enter for a chance to win a seat in her newest class!

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Well A Good Book Works Too!

So we have this beautiful day here of weather.  I love it when it's in the upper 70s lower 80s.  A nice gentle breeze.  It sparked my creativity!  I had even wedged in some creative time.  Finally.  And a good thing too, as I am taking an online course called "Texture Town" taught by two very talented artists, Chris Cozens and Julie Pritchard. .

As it always is when I venture into new medias in the art world, I often have to wait for supplies to come.   In my little neck of the world, there are no art supply stores, no Michaels down the street to run to.  I've never seen a Hobby Lobby, and Joan's Fabric is as far as the nearest Walmart.

I shop the internet.  I love the internet. Google is my BFF.

A little time to wait for delivery, but usually not to long . . . .  so after a week of waiting and watching videos . . . enough supplies have arrived . . . I've got my errands after work all caught up . . . I've got T I M E!

So here I am, my supplies gathered around me, I've got my Mojo ready and . . . .

 The nice weather decided to it was bored with the nice gentle breeze and POOF . . . . it sends lots of blowing wind and BOOM.  Out goes the lights.

But hey, the red chair by the window, a good book, a little tea . . . . in the great sunshine we had going on . . . well hey, that works too!

I love spring weather.

Mojo is whispering to me as I sit here on break at work keying this . . . yes MO, I know JO . . . . when I get home tonight . . . yes I can't wait to get into those new paints either!

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Crawling Hours and Flying Days

How could it possibly happen that days fly by when the hours in the day crawl?

 It seems like I am at work forever, completing my duties there, while always in my mind is an idea or two from my muse . . . . wishing I were at home in my little corner which I have named "my Studio" .  . . because Studio makes me feel so much more like a real artist :D

Then, finally, the time in the day has finally crawled around to end the work day.  So I quickly gather my things and run out the door.   Only to find myself so busy playing taxi cab driver, short order cook, and task master over homework that by the time the dust settles I have no time left in which to nurture my soul and create my art!

Seems crazy!  The hours crawl by from morning until afternoon and then POOF, the day is done.

But it happens :D

Soon my friends, soon things will all fall in to perspective and then my soul will sing again!

La Paix


Thursday, April 28, 2011

Flying Lessons

150√ó240 flying lessons badgeI couldn't tell you for sure when I came across Kelly Rae Roberts art or her blog.  I've been reading and admiring both for some time now.  So when I walked by our gift shop and saw a display of items by her, at Carson City Hospital, in Carson City Michigan, I stopped and said "HEY, I KNOW HER".  Well, okay, so we aren't on a first name basis or anything, and she doesn't have a clue who I am . . . . but still . . .

So I began to think longer and harder about my creativity and desires to branch out in the art world.  The time I had away from it was enough to let me know that I am more at peace with myself and my world when I am using a creative process to express myself.  I always thought I really didn't have any right to enter into the art world so boldly as I have never had any formal art training.

But you know what . . . doesn't mean a thing . . . if I face my fears head on and love and embrace them . . . well who knows . . . could happen . . . won't know unless I give it more of a try now will I?

Inspiration is abounding in me from the first few pages that I have read of Kelly Rae's e-book . . . Flying lesson . . . just follow the box in the side bar of my blog and take a look . . . .

after all . . . nothing ventured, nothing gained . . .

I thank you Kelly Rae for lighting the way!

La Paix,


Friday, April 22, 2011

As Great As Glitter and Unicorns!

Before the pen doodles
  It has been way to cool here for me to work out in the garage with metals. (Cool is my nice way of saying . . ."colder than a ____") !   I suppose I could have fired up the propane heaters, but really, it doesn't put me in the mood to be out there when it is cold and damp.  So what is a girl to do?

Why break out the paper and ink and sign up for an e-class!  It's as great as . . . .

Glitter and Unicorns!

I learned a few new tricks and tips from Robin Marie Smith in a very fun and relaxed e-class, Mixed Media Mayhem.  Below is a wee sampling of one of my pages for the journal I am putting together.

After the pen doodles
I used recycled file folders from work, and because of HIPPA, they were given to me with names and numbers torn off.  But for me, that just makes them all the better!  And I like that someone else tore them off for me, as I probably would have sat and contemplated as to where the tears should be!  The randomness of these torn off tabs and corners just rocks!

And the odd staple or two in them . . . why to me, it's just added bling!

So you'll have to just have a peek, as I still have several more folders to go before I can reveal the next phase!

And as for the metals, soon enough it will be warm enough.  As much as I want to do some work with the hammer and saw, as much as I want to fire up the torch and melt some solder . . . .

I have missed my paper work that much more!

Hoppy Easter to you all!

La Paix!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Time To Get My Hands Stained!

I've missed working with paper, glue, inks, and paints!  I've decided that I need to rotate out all my art media loves.  So this week I am dedicating myself to paper arts.  Collage and mixed media are my first passion.  There is nothing like having glue or gel-medium to peel off your fingers :D

I have decided it is time to get more instruction in these arts.  I am so happy that so many great artist are now offering instruction via the internet.  This time I will be learning some great mixed-media inky processes from the very talented Robin Marie Smith  , via the internet e-class Mixed Media Mayhem .  I note there is a little sewing, which as we all know, I don't do, but I do have a very little sewing machine I got just for sewing paper, so perhaps now it will get put to use!

I am very very excited!  I have plenty of the supplies, but can always use an excuse to purchase more.  Now though, I know for sure I don't have Muslin and Duck Canvas . . . . ssssoooooooo

Off I go to fill yet another shopping cart . . . . after all, I need to do my part to stimulate the economy!

La Paix,


Saturday, April 09, 2011

What's On Your Desk?



And now I am making Resin Paper.  I haven't a clue what to expect when these are done, but nothing ventured nothing gained! 

Friday, April 08, 2011

Soldering For Virgins

I've just registered for another e-class.  This time with Sally Jean , an artist that I have admired for oh so long!  The class is:  Soldering For Virgins and I hope thunder and lightening doesn't strike me down as I click on the first day.

I'm no virgin to soldering . . .

But I've never had any instruction before either, so I feel rather virginal about it.

Okay, here's what I'll do . . . .

I won't wear white while I take the class :D


La Paix!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Have You Hugged Your Mojo Today?

I spent a long time neglecting my blog. Worse yet, I spent a long time neglecting my art. I let my Mojo slip away.

I started an unorganized journey into the WWW world and now am kind of forced to take a step back and restart over. But you know what? That ain't all that bad. I'm willing to step back and begin the journey again. I'm making my map and planning my itinerary!

I'm moving forward again. Gathering my Mojo back into my life. Finding my muse that I have allowed to retreat to the back of my soul. It's not easy sometimes to get lost and find your way back. But slowly, I'm making my way.

Here is a glimpse of the direction my art is taking me. Working with metal and working with a camera.

This necklace was made after learning some metal working skills from Deryn Mentock during an e-course she taught with another artist, Sharon Tomlinson. The class is Towers and Turrets and it is so wonderful. I think I mention it in several blog posts.

I have found that I am rather enjoying traipsing through small cemeteries to find just such patina's to use as a back ground for my copper and brass creations.

I find a calm and peace for my soul as I wander through the quiet and wooded areas that the cemeteries in my area seem to be blessed with.

It feeds my muse.

I think my Mojo is coming back home to me.

Welcome back Mojo.

I didn't realize how much I have missed you and how much you seem to complete my being. I promise myself I will not let me neglect you so completely again!

I give myself permission to explore and express myself with my art as I journey through this world.

Me and my Mojo!

Have you hugged yours today?

Stop on over to SoftFlexGirl blog! She is having a great give away!

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

A Good Day With Ruth! :D

Say hello to my best "La Paix d'Art" ever. This is HRETMG, who is now 13. Wow! Does time ever fly.

This is the first picture I took with my new Canon G12. I am in love with the camera! Right out of the box, no setting changes, and wa-la, I have a perfect to me picture.

Now it was time to get serious and take some pictures of my art. I had visions of necklaces laying on the old stone at the cemetery. But alas, the weather was not cooperating to great with us, so although we spent a sunless day traipsing through the cemetery taking pictures, none turned out as spectacular as the photo-shoot I had with Hazel and my mother, Ruth. So I will share these instead.

My mother has Alzheimer's, as many of you may already know. It's been a long long road with the progression of this disease rapidly changing my mother. Every day is always as good as it is ever going to be.

Lately Mom has been seeming distant, uncommunicative, and very angry. Her fun loving nature seemed to have disappeared. It often felt so much like she had forgotten who we were when Hazel and I visited.

But last Sunday, well, it was a gift! We walked in the room and mom was happy to see us, and very talkative and even posed for a picture or two! It was just what my heart that had seemed so sad needed.

So I am sharing them with you now :D

Hazel decided that a heart was in order.

This is mom trying to make the heart :D LOL. Bless her heart!

This is actually a very funny video. Oh yeah, my camera does video! But then I was also able to get a still shot from the video.

How much fun is that!

See, this is my mom! A lady that loves to joke and laugh!

Thank you God for allowing me to have a wonderful day with Mom! (Not that lady that looks like my mom but really isn't!)

La Paix,


Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Twisted Sisters Kind Of Day

This is Sarah in the pink, Kathy in the blue waving hello to you.

Saturday Kathy invited us over to her very cute little house by a river for a Twisted Sister day.

Love those days! So much fun. I really don't tend to make much, but I love the fellowship :)

And the food. LOL.

Sarah demonstrated to the sisters how to make these spiffy pillow cases. They turned out beautifully, and I don't have a picture. Kathy demonstrated a great wine bottle filled with Christmas lights. I didn't get pictures of those either. I failed as the historian of the day. I was rather busy using my mouth to either yak or eat.

I didn't make one of either, but I did enjoy watching them make theirs. I am rather allergic to sewing machines, so I was busy making a clasp so Sarah could sew it in my Sari Ribbon Necklace . . . . My hands cramp up and I break out in a sweat when I think of threading a machine, arg!

Notice in this picture of Kathy and Sarah the bright and sunny day. The lack of snow outside the window.

Now look at this:

This is Wednesday at my house. 4 days later. Look at all the ice in the tree! I thought it looked awesome and was thinking it would make a great back drop for some jewelry pictures.

Ha! It would have too, if it weren't so freaking cold. LOL.

This is a necklace I made using some techniques I learned from Deryn Mentock in her Build Zone class. Deryn demonstrated to us how to twist wire together and then make jump rings. One of her finishing ideas was to wrap wire over the break in the ring. LOVE the look of this! Deryn is a great teacher. I have only had the opportunity to take instruction from her via the internet, and would love some day to attend a class in person!

Here is a view of a couple of my necklaces as I try to learn how to get some interesting shots outside. I've lots to learn about camera settings. These particular shots have been taken with my Sony ColorPix. I have a new camera coming as a reward from work. (Many years service = new camera. Nice! Seeing as I have been debating over what camera to invest in these last few months!)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Mixed Metal Mania

LOVE this book! It has so much great information in it. It is very well written with clear and precise directions.

FUN stuff for sure!

Working with metal is such a great way to relieve some stress. I have always enjoyed twisting it. I remember way back into the seventies I had tinkered a bit with making jewelry out of wire.

This being able to pound the crap out of pieces of metal and then take a torch to it and watch it turn a bright red . . . oh how much I enjoy it . . . therapeutically . . . really as I beat on that metal I just imagine it being the frustration I feel in my heart!

Bang bang bang!

Who knows. Maybe if I keep heading with this passion I'll be shoeing the neighbors horses. LOL.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Great DVD for the Metalsmith Beginer

Metalsmith Essentials: Basic Fabrication with Helen Driggs

I watched this last night with Hazel. What a great beginner

Covers everything I needed to learn:
  • Gauges and thickness of wire and sheet metal
  • Different ways to find the center
  • Using different tools to get measurements with
  • How to load up a saw blade
  • How to use that saw blade
  • Texturing metal
  • and more!
If your like me and haven't the time nor resources to travel to classrooms, this is a great DVD to put in your library. Heck, even if you've had a class, this is great resource to have in your library for reference.

I also gleaned a new quote from Helen Driggs:

"What's life without a few bruises?"

Oh my, there will be a blog post coming with that!

Love ya, Love your art,

La Paix,


Friday, March 04, 2011

Learning, always learning

Or perhaps I should just bite the bullet and get something like this :) I have been looking and researching. Seems I've been bitten by the photography bug now. LOL. But it would be a needed distraction and a good investment if I can get some quality photos of artwork and jewelry.

Not to mention, just plan fun!

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Starting and Stopping

Twisted Sisters Gallery

I don't know. I put effort and money into this website, but now I am kind of at a standstill with it. The person who was helping me with this site is no longer able to, and I've lost contact with them it appears, and I'm not sure of the shelf life of the site now. YIKES! I was trying to help a friend help a friend kind of thing. Lesson learned. Nice to help a friend, but harder to help a friend of a friend, because your never sure when the friend of a friend and the friend will part ways! If any of that makes sense! LOL.

I am finding it a little cumbersome to manipulate the web page. Or rather I have the lack of desire to learn right now how to continue with the web page. Should I really be re-creating this wheel?

I'd rather focus on learning new art technique and perfecting the old!

So I'm at a road crossing of sorts. Continue with the website always unsure of how long it will be up? Start a new blog format that may have a few different bells and whistles for me? Stay with this blog and etsy?

My gut is kind of saying the latter.

I do know for certain, either way I go, I will need to learn a few photo techniques, so I am gearing up for that. I've been googling my way around light boxes and black velvet. I think my camera will be okay as I learn a bit more, but I am seriously thinking of upgrading my current and giving this one to Hazel, who has been pestering me for a digital camera for some time. OH SEE, it would be a win-win to get a new one!

I'm eyeing this Cannon nothing real fancy, but I have read all I really need at this point would be Macro function and white balance :)


I'd love to hear what camera and set up your using!

And bend my ear on whether you'd continue with a site or not.

Love ya, Love your art


Monday, February 28, 2011

Forgiveness quote

"Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could have been any different." — Oprah Winfrey